Toes in Training 3.30.11

by Jean on March 30, 2011

Hello!  Just recovering from a nice, warm training hike today.  I just took this picture in the front yard.  Yes, the grass is really this green.  And yes, my two second toenails are really this PURPLE!  The first year I hiked GC my shoes were normal size, but they had no extra room for the brutal downhill trek into the Canyon and I bruised these toes that first year.  Each year since that time, as soon as I start my training in earnest, they get bruised like this and they will eventually fall off.  This is why my personal advice for you is to get shoes with plenty of room in the toes so that this does not happen to you.  Your toes will slam into the end of your shoes for miles, so give them the extra room they need to be happy.  Take care, Jean

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